The dealer will charge you more to make a profit out of selling you the extended warranty. Since there are probably many other things you could buy for your car, you want to save money where you can. There is so much red tape today regarding the auto warranties and insurance claims and who can blame these service providers to be strict when it come to fork out millions per year just to maintain the industry vehicle maintenance stream each year. Finally, extended auto warranties that can be purchased from car manufacturers are offered for a steeper rate could be 400% to 500% more than the actual price of the warranty if you decide to choose from a real sender. Typically, a custom car listening to involve having awesome rims, an after market body kit such as wide body fenders, bumpers, front lip skirts, wrap around skirts, and spoilers for street tuners or wings as they call it on race cars. how much for a bmw warranty used car ford new car warranty 2018 coupon code car protection pro Dealers can their money on new cars and trucks on more than the sale of the automobile - like no & quot; good old days & quot ;. There is no "promising" payable by the warranty company - it is paid in advance so that the customer does not have to worry about waiting to be reimbursed. |